The Election Poll for our CPAC Board Members is now available on the CPAC Website and a link is below. The poll will be open until Tuesday evening, February 21st.
As a reminder, all Board volunteers as well as Charlotte Board volunteers receive free individual membership.
Over the past two years, it has become increasingly apparent that our profession and the value of business continuity are changing and technology advancement and new norms are driving the pace since the Pandemic. The value of your time versus readily accessible information is forcing volunteer managed organizations, like CPAC, to evaluate the programs, methods to deliver, and the value they provide to members and partners. CPAC has proven to be a leading partner to the profession of business continuity and beyond over the last 34 years. As a board, we recognize it is a great privilege and responsibility to be stewards of the Contingency Planning Association of the Carolinas. At this time we ask that you consider Board Election time as well as considering running for an office on the Board. If we do not receive Board nominations by the deadline we unfortunately have to dissolve CPAC organization as we only have 3 returning board members.
In the event you are interested in nominating yourself or another member/contact, please reply to this email with the following information:
Your Name
Your Company
Provide Linkedin Profile
Your Preferred Open Position to Fill
Your Second Choice Open Position to Fill
Our mission is to serve our local community, you and your organization. Your voice matters in order for CPAC to be successful.
2023 Board Nominations
Term 2023
Teresa Butner (Nominated)
Vice Chairperson
Public Relations
Terrell Graham (Nominated)
Membership Director
Dianne Chase (Nominated)
Symposium Director
2023 Charlotte Chapter Nominations
2023 Term
Vice Chairperson
Program Director
Open Position Overview:
Vice Chairperson
- Develop awareness of CPAC activities and processes to ensure appropriate continuity of leadership.
- Lead and represent the Board in absence of the Board Chairperson
- Represent CPAC at community, regional or national level as appropriate.
- Take minutes of all board meeting proceedings.
- Ensure that required filings as a non-profit corporation are completed and submitted on time.
- Monitor participation in CPAC activities by sponsors and members.
- Financial reports presented at all board meeting proceedings.
- Ensure invoices are paid and membership dues are processed and submitted on time.
- Monitor participation in CPAC activities by sponsors and members.
Symposium Director:
- Develop a committee to Plan and execute the Annual Symposium, including event staff, roles, location, budget, communication, and registration.
- Work with board members to ensure high quality planning and execution.
- Develop detailed Symposium Agenda, and identity and secure speakers and vendors.
Charlotte Chapter Vice President:
- Develop awareness of CPAC and Chapter activities and processes to ensure appropriate continuity of leadership.
- Lead and represent the Chapter in absence of the Chapter President.
- Represent CPAC and their Chapter at community, regional or national level as appropriate.
Charlotte Chapter Program Chair:
- Work with Chapter leadership to develop appropriate program agendas and topics as well as secure speakers and locations.
- Provide meeting information and additional details to the Public Relations Director for inclusion in CPAC communications.
Charlotte Chapter Chairperson:
- Serve on the Board of Directors.
- Promote the CPAC organization and chapter.
- Support and the educational program of the chapter.
Charlotte Chapter Secretary:
- Take minutes of all meeting proceedings.
- Maintain chapter records and files including attendance.
- Forward records to the Board of Directors.